Friday, September 17, 2010

Spiritual Gifts


This past weekend I introduced the church to a complete list of "The Gifts of the Godhead." Here is a little more detail on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit out of I Corinthians 12:

Definition: A God-given capacity to serve others, by His grace, in a matter that edifies them in some way by showing forth the love of Jesus.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit enable individual believers, when needs arise, to minister to other members of the Body of Christ as well as to people who do not know the Lord, in ways beyond mere human capability or ingenuity.

When a spiritual gift occurs it is a manifestation of the presence of God as an ordinary human is given illumination of unknown facts or wisdom on how to meet difficult problems, or can discern what is an evil spirit, or can believe for a miracle, or can administrate healing to an individual, or can speak forth a message from the Lord in his own language or in one he has never learned, or interpret an utterance in an unknown language he has never learned. From time to time every individual and every congregation has needs that require the exercise of various spiritual gifts.

We can to be open to all of God’s grace in it’s various forms. We need to follow carefully the guidelines the Scriptures give us with regards to the manifestations of these gifts. (I Corinthians 12-14)

The Gifts found in this section have been categorized for reference as follows:
Gifts of Utterance: Speaking forth by faith what the Holy Spirit gives to speak.
Prophecy, Tongues, Interpretation
Gifts of Revelation: Receiving by faith the direction and comfort of the Holy Spirit.
Wisdom, Knowledge, Discernment
Gifts of Power: Ministering to others in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Healings, Miracles, Faith

The Gifts of The Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 12:7-10)

The use of the term “word” or message” signifies a segment or fragment of the whole. This gift is a spoken utterance through direct operation of the Holy Spirit at a given moment, (rather than an abiding deposit of wisdom. This is also true of the Message or Word of Knowledge.) A supernatural revelation given by the Holy Spirit of the divine plans and purposes of God. A declaration of the mind and/or will of God. Generally in the form of a directive with promise.

A supernatural revelation of facts that were not learned through the efforts of the natural mind. It is the mind of Christ being manifested in the mind of the believer for the purpose of disclosure that builds faith and hope. It is given when needed in a flash of time.

A supernatural insight into the spiritual realm encompassing both good and evil realms. The ability to know immediately what is motivating a person or situation. The supernatural ability to see “through” or “behind” for the purpose of exposure or confirmation.

A supernatural and sudden surge of faith, usually in a crisis, that enables the believer to possess confidence and settled assurance without a doubt. The supernatural ability in the face of insurmountable odds to believe that as we act or speak in Jesus’ Name victory will come. This gift often works in tandem with all of the other gifts.

Note the plural form of the word used to describe this gift...this is a very important distinction. Each individual healing is a separate case, a separate gift. The individual being used is not a “healer.” He or she is simply one God is using to minister. The supernatural impartation of healing virtue that brings about the accelerated or instantaneous cure of a sickness, condition or injury.

Note also in this gift the importance of the plural distinction. The supernatural occurrence that alters, creates or banishes all human or materials ills and conditions that are contrary to God’s will, whether organic, functional, nervous, acute or chronic...animal;, vegetable or mineral. It is important to distinguish between healings and miracles. A healing is a supernaturaly accelerated cure within the scope of our natural laws. A miracle defies natural law.

The supernatural ability to speak the mind of Christ in a known language for the purpose of edification, exhortation or comfort. This gift is equal in value and purpose to the combined gifts of tongues and interpretation of those same tongues. This gift is not to be confused with the office of prophet (Eph. 4) who is a fore-telling gift. This gift is a forth-telling gift.

Not to be confused with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This supernatural ability to speak in a language never learned has two common applications; public and private. In’s most common occurrence, the gift enhances one’s ability to communicate with God, intercede according to His will, build one’s faith, and to increase one’s capacity to praise. In public, the gift is useful to communicate God’s heart to others when manifested in tandem with the gift of Interpretation of Tongues.

The supernatural ability to explain to people what a person has said when speaking in the public expression of the Gift of Tongues. This is not the intellectual ability to translate a language into another language, but the supernatural ability to interpret (explain) the intended message of The Holy Spirit. The scriptures teach that he or she who desires to speak publicly in tongues must also pray to interpret.


  1. I have noticed since God has directed you to teach on the Spiritual Gifts; the church has been robbed twice. That is spiritual warfare. Satan has lost ,Eastside is a place of safty. God is going to extend His Power through His church with the teaching of the Holy Spirit.
    I plead the Blood of Jesus over Eastide Church. Tuesday through Sunday we have people walking through those doors; all needing some type of touch from The Hand Of God. We are Victories In Jesus Christ! Amen

  2. Totally agree with Linda! Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, No matter what comes our way, We will prevail Victorious!
